Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Halloween is possibly one of the best things ever

 I don't think I've ever met a single person, wherever I've been, that doesn't like Halloween. After all, who doesn't like costumes (creepy and cringey), free sweets and the overall very cheesy teenage horror/comedy movie feeling Halloween brings about? Halloween is a time everyone can revel in, whether you're a teenager lurking around for the free sweets, or a little kid still in it for the sweets. Can you tell I'm pretty over-the-moon about the free sweets?
 My plans for Halloween are a little muddled at the moment (which I need to sort out actually) but they basically consist of some trick or treating, a few good old retro-style horror movies (you can't deny the general fantastic fash-off vibe from any female characters involved!), a lot of Halloween treats, and THE BEST FORT EVER CREATED AND KNOWN TO MANKIND.
 One of my very favourite things about Halloween though, aside from girly bonding and whatever, is the very obvious style battles between the assorted teenagers. I mean yeah, it's supposedly a 'kids holiday', but who are we kidding? If your costume is considered 'lame', you must be extremely lame (a lesson I learnt from Mean Girls actually). Plus dressing up for that one day a year is entertaining, and something that with a little effort can look brilliant!

Some of my favourite Halloween fashion finds from across the internet:

If you're looking for a Halloween-related song, which I doubt you are but I'm going to tell you anyway, that is fabulous and has a fantastic music video, go watch Panic! at the Disco's 'It's Almost Halloween' (what an appropriate song title). I've kind of been listening to it non stop and probably will until it's actually Halloween (it's not an unhealthy addiction I swear!). And probably after Halloween until next Halloween. Yup.

I'm definately going to post photos from Halloween so look forward to that if you want^.^

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